TN NAFTA Professionals

The TN visa is a non-immigrant visa allowing Canadian and Mexican professionals to enter the United States for work. Your eligibility and application process differ depending on whether you are Canadian or Mexican. 

The TN visa is a non-immigrant visa allowing Canadian and Mexican professionals to enter the United States for work. Your eligibility and application process differ depending on whether you are Canadian or Mexican. 

General Eligibility

Both Mexican citizens and Canadian citizens need to meet the following criteria to be eligible for the TN visa:

  • You are a citizen of Mexico or Canada.
  • Your profession is listed in Appendix 1603.D.1 of NAFTA. 
  • You have the listed credentials. 

What are the NAFTA Professions?

There are more than 60 professions that qualify you for a TN visa, including:

  • Accountant
  • Economist
  • Hotel manager
  • Land surveyor
  • Teachers
  • Various scientists
  • Various medical practitioners

Your immigration attorney can confirm for you whether or not your profession and credentials qualify.

Eligibility for Canadians

Canadian citizens do not need to use visa processing through a U.S. Embassy to get a TN visa. Instead, they can arrive at any port of entry with the rigorous evidence and seek admission.  

We strongly suggest that you work with an experienced attorney to be sure your evidence is sufficient to gain entry. 

Eligibility for Mexicans

Mexican citizens must use visa processing through a U.S. Embassy abroad to seek a TN visa. As with Canadian applications, it is critical that you consult with an experienced immigration attorney to prepare your application. 

Period of stay on a TN

Your initial period of stay on a TN visa is three years.

Dependents of TN Non-immigrants

Your spouse and children may join you in the United States on a TN visa. They cannot be granted a TN visa for longer than the principal immigrant. 

Can your spouse work when you’re on a TN Visa?

Your spouse cannot work while you’re on a TN visa, and neither can your children. However, they may attend school or study.

How can Amaryllis Law help?

The TN visa may, or may not, be right for you. The experienced immigration attorneys at Amaryllis Law can walk you through your specific visa options and make sure you have enough of the right kind of proof for your application to be approved. Working with an immigration attorney can prevent you from wasting the opportunity you have in the United States. Reach out to us today for guidance.

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