EB-5 Visas (Investment Green Cards)

EB-5 visas, also called investment visas, allow those who are willing to invest a significant amount of money in the United States to become lawful permanent residents (or to get a green card).

EB-5 Visas

There are many requirements for this visa, both in eligibility and in the type and amount of investment you make. At Amaryllis Law, we can advise you to help you meet these criteria, tell you about programs that can reduce the amount you need to invest, and help you through the EB-5 investment visa process.

Who is eligible?

In order to be eligible for the EB-5 investment visa, you must generally:

  • Invest the minimum amount of one million dollars (there are exceptions)
  • Make the investment in a new business enterprise or an existing business that meets certain requirements
  • Create ten full-time jobs
  • Be able to prove you got the investment funds through legitimate means

Once I have an EB-5 Green Card, how do I file for Removal of Conditions?

If you were given a conditional green card as an EB-5 applicant, you must file to remove the conditions before the two-year deadline. USCIS will want to ensure that you have continued to fulfill your business obligations in the ensuing two years. If you successfully remove the conditions, you are granted the ten-year green card and can pursue naturalization if you wish. You will need an attorney to assist with this complex filing. 

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