Provisional Unlawful Presence Waivers

Usually, living unlawfully in the United States prohibits you from gaining permanent residence status. However, applying for the provisional immigration waiver of unlawful presence may make you eligible again. This may be a stressful process for you, but the potential for a green card is worth the risks.

Usually, living unlawfully in the United States prohibits you from gaining permanent residence status. However, applying for the provisional immigration waiver of unlawful presence may make you eligible again. This may be a stressful process for you, but the potential for a green card is worth the risks. Amaryllis Law seeks to make this process as simple to understand as possible for our clients. Here are answers to the common questions our clients ask about provisional unlawful presence waivers.

Risks to Applying for Provisional Unlawful Presence

Immigration provisional waivers are not without their risks, but an experienced immigration attorney can help you prepare the best case possible.

In general, we recommend that you do not apply for a provisional waiver if you have multiple grounds of inadmissibility or if you can’t prove “extreme hardship.”

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