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Immigration Litigation and Appeals

Sometimes USCIS makes mistakes in your adjudication or intractable delays require you to take action in the court system. Other times, litigation or appeal is necessary to preserve your right to remain in the U.S. 

Sometimes USCIS makes mistakes in your adjudication or intractable delays require you to take action in the court system. Other times, litigation or appeal is necessary to preserve your right to remain in the U.S. 

You don’t need to handle your immigration litigation and appeals alone. The right immigration lawyer from Amaryllis Law will make the process as straightforward as possible while giving you the best chance to remain in the U.S. and immigrate successfully. To help you in this stressful time, our immigration lawyers want to answer your most common questions and explain what immigration litigation and appeals mean and what you can expect from them.  

What Are Immigration Litigation and Appeals?  

Litigation simply means the process of trying a court case. Immigration litigation is, therefore, trying a court case that involves immigration. Immigration litigation can take place in many courts, including the Board of Immigration Appeals, Federal District Courts, Federal Circuit Courts of Appeals, and the U.S. Supreme Court. 

An appeal is simply a request for a judge to revisit the decision made by another judge (or agency). Appeals may occur in affirmatively filed petitions before USCIS and in removal proceedings before the Immigration Court. In immigration court, the government can also ask to appeal your case if they think a judge made a mistake in your favor. 

Can My Case Be Challenged in Federal Court? 

Not all cases can be challenged in federal court. Amaryllis Law attorneys will be honest about your chances in federal court, the costs of litigation, and the benefits and burdens of litigating. Speak with us immediately if you need to make an immigration appeal. 

How Amaryllis Law Can Help?

An experienced immigration lawyer offers your best chance of being successful with immigration litigation and appeals. Often, the simple decision to hire an immigration attorney can stop unreasonable delays and judicial errors. Amaryllis Law attorneys are strong advocates in all immigration matters. If you have questions or are facing immigration matters, speak to us today. 

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