Consular Processing

If you are in your home country, you may go to a U.S. embassy in order to apply for a green card or lawful permanent residence after your initial family-based or employment-based visa is approved. This is called consular processing. Consular processing is the final step in obtaining your immigrant visa to enter the U.S.

Consular processing is a complex process, especially if you have entered the U.S. unlawfully or overstayed a prior nonimmigrant visa. You will benefit from an experienced immigration attorney to assist you with the process and avoid delays.

Consular Processing vs. Adjustment of Status 

Adjustment of status is how you apply for a green card if you are already physically in the United States. Only certain individuals may seek adjustment of status, and the determination of which option is available to you require an experienced immigration attorney’s advice. 

Complications for Consular Processing 

Grounds of inadmissibility prevent certain individuals from successfully consular processing. A competent immigration attorney should identify grounds of inadmissibility that exist at the time of your petition (prior to applying). There are a number of grounds of inadmissibility including prior periods of unauthorized presence in the U.S., unlawful entries, drug use, and fraud. Because most consular decisions are not able to be reviewed on appeal, it’s important to consult with an immigration attorney to avoid delays, disappointment, or denials. 

What Can Amaryllis Law Do for You? 

Consular processing is complicated. At Amaryllis Law, our experienced immigration attorneys will examine your case and help you make the best decision about how and whether you can attain green card status through this process. Contact us today to get professional advice about your petition. 

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